What is Food Recovery Strategizing?
Food Recovery Strategizing is working with a trained professional to address the disease of addiction as it shows up through food and eating behaviors. Clients are encouraged to use a low-exposure food plan, address biochemical repair, and work through emotions and behaviors related to the disease of addiction. Clients will learn how to navigate heavily cued environments and negotiate with household members who do not eat the same foods, how to address food pushers and critics, develop plans to manage celebrations, restaurants, relationships, shopping, meal planning, prepping, and more! We will address common relapse traps and how to build and utilize a quality support network. Finally, clients will complete contracted services with a tangible plan for moving forward on their journey through food recovery.
How do I know if I need professional help?
You have found yourself searching for food addiction, food addiction counseling, food addiction counselor, or some similar combination of search terms. You are reading frequently asked questions and chances are you have already taken the quiz to see if you may possibly meet the criteria for processed food addiction. If you have not, what has stopped you from doing so?
Can professional help work for me?
We all need help sometimes. Whether or not professional help can make a difference is unknown. Again- I would challenge this question with a question of my own. Has it worked out for you without professional help? What could you gain by seeking guidance from a trained, knowledgeable professional?
How does it work? What should I know?
Every client starts with a FREE 30min Introductory Call. This is the opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another and ask questions (your opportunity to interview me for the job!) to better determine if we are a good fit for one another. I may ask you to give me a brief history as it relates to food and other eating behaviors, whether you have experience with other professionals, etc. Many people take this opportunity to ask me about my qualifications and my position on things they feel strongly about (most often, they want to know about food plans).
Why should I hire a Certified Food Addiction Counselor?
I strongly believe that addiction is a disease of the brain (ASAM, 2011) and as such – it should be treated by professionals. Coaches, trainers, nutritionists, dietitians, other counselors, etc. may be well-meaning in their efforts to work with you to improve the quality of your life. Unfortunately, I often hear from clients how these well-meaning professionals have pushed them to eat all foods in moderation, to practice calories in/calories out (or eat less, move more), and do not know how to give them the tools they need for the follow-up work. Food is only 10% of the issue. 50% is about quality support (and USING it). So, what about the 40% that is life on life’s terms?? The emotions, the perfectionism, procrastination, people-pleasing, and boundaries? – The areas that are potential relapse triggers. What about dealing with family members who are negatively impacted by the disease? A Certified Food Addiction Counselor can address these areas with knowledge, tools, and the skills to use them!
Isn’t there FREE help for food addiction?
YES! Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Greysheeters, Food Addicts Anonymous (FA), CEA-HOW, A Vision 4 You, OA-HOW, and many more. A quick google of food addiction 12 Steps will bring up a whole list! There are secular options too like SMART Recovery. Learn more HERE.
Should I do individual sessions or group?
Either one is a great choice! Many clients find that if they can do both- they get even more out of it. But that being said- groups are not always offered. In that case, I would suggest individual sessions – purchased as a package to receive a discounted price.
How do I make an appointment?
How long will it take?
The answer is very individual. I will ask you this: What are your expectations for the sessions? What do you hope to walk away with? What are you willing to do to meet those expectations?
How much does it cost?
Everyone is welcome to one x 30min FREE consultation. Group is currently being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Individual hours are priced at $80USD. You can purchase a package (paid in full up front) for $550 (8 x 1hr individual sessions, food plan, support, processing, tools, skill-building, meet individual needs. You also have access to me via text, email, calls, etc. as you need).
How long are the sessions?
Group sessions are 1hr long, once per week. Individual sessions are 1hr and can be weekly or several times during the week (depending on need). I ask that sessions bought as a package be used within 6 months. This keeps clients accountable and reminds us to stay on track!