Connection Is the Best Protection

DENIAL—Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying—is a hallmark trait of most addicts. Denial keeps us in the disease of addiction and tells us that we don’t have a disease. People often say that an addict alone is in very bad company, so run for your life!

Addicts tend to isolate and alienate themselves from others. Food addicts especially avoid social situations to hide and continue to use in private as closet eaters. They don’t want to be around their drug for fear of acting out and being found out. Also, they don’t want to be seen in public because they’re ashamed of their size or weight. They don’t feel like they fit in, and everyone is looking at them. 

Biochemically, this feeling of not wanting to be a part of and not wanting to connect is no surprise. Our happy, social glue neurotransmitter, Serotonin, has been overpowered by Dopamine, our pleasure-seeking, want neurotransmitter. 

Addicts think they can go it alone. They can do everything themselves and solve all their problems. They have all the answers. It’s not until they can utter the words “I NEED HELP” that their healing process can begin. 

These three words are the Game Changer—the key to unlocking the door to recovery and a new way of living.

Finding a community is paramount! 

Addicts need to find other addicts. They need to be with peeps who understand.  Earth people (normies) out there don’t have a clue. Finding the right place may seem daunting, but it is possible. One just has to take the plunge and start!

Some Addicts begin their recovery in 12 Step food programs. There are lots of options available. Some programs have specific food plans, while others allow choices. Some have clear rules, while others have none. In common, they are all based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous. 

They don’t cost money; a basket is passed around for donations to cover expenses. They encourage working with a sponsor, a person who has what they want. Meetings, run by fellow members, generally don’t allow crosstalk. One can’t give feedback or respond directly to anything that is said. Outside issues such as other programs or solutions can’t be discussed. This may seem harsh, but there are sound reasons for this.

For many addicts, the 12 Step model is the perfect solution. They find a fellowship of like-minded peeps. They find a food plan that works. They give up their drug foods and triggers. Work through the 12 Steps. And in doing so, they find themselves and who they really are. This allows them to live a life second to none.  But more importantly, live their life drug-free!

On the other hand, other Addicts find the 12 Steps intimidating. They have a hard time wrapping their heads around a Power greater than themselves and the notion of spirituality vs. religion. Many feel it is a cult and for whatever reason, the 12 Step platform is not for them. They become disenchanted and don’t feel a part of.

Understanding this and the importance of Community and Connection for long-lasting recovery, Dave Wolfe, Anna Fruehling, and I created SUGARx Global (SRx), a subscription-based worldwide virtual community. Focused on C.A.R.E.Connection, Action Steps, Recovery Protection, and Education, SRx helps sugar/food addicts Grow, Recover, and Transform.

As recovering addicts and coaches coming from the 12 Step model, our dream was to create a Community that encompasses everything we wished we had gotten starting out. And we believe we have built just that!

We’ve created a 24/7 interactive online platform. Members connect through regular online meetings, posts, videos, and private messaging. There are lots of additional resources and tools available. Coaches facilitate SRx meetings, and no topic is off-limits. We encourage members to be open, honest, and vulnerable. Sharing personal experiences keeps it real! 

We focus on teaching life skills to get out of the food and get into living, one day at a time. We stress the need to Plan, Prepare, and Protect our recovery every day. Information does not equal transformation; however, implementation of it does. We need to act our way into right thinking, not think our way into right action. The action is what gives us the traction to move forward in our recovery! 

We encourage our members to buddy up to support one another.  We believe that we recover best together. No one has to do this alone.

Addiction is a disease, not a decision. 

Connection truly is the best protection. It takes one to know one! There’s nothing more powerful than one addict helping another addict. Don’t put it off! Find a Community that is right for you right now! You are worth it! 

Remember, we really are braver, stronger, and smarter than we think!


Judy Wolfe FAP, SUGAR Certified/Licensed


Board of Directors for Food Addiction Institute


TWITTER: @judywolfeSRx

P.S. NMW is my signature phrase, meaning I don’t pick up the food, No Matter What!

P.P.S. You can download our free Crush Your Cravings Recovery Protection Checklist at